Browsing Archive: May, 2011

My grace is sufficent - Video

Posted by Shards ofMe on Saturday, May 28, 2011, In : Encouragement 

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Bolder than demons

Posted by Shards ofMe on Friday, May 13, 2011, In : Encouragement 

I was reading in Mark the other day about the story of Jesus casting out the demon named “legion”.  Out of all the times I’ve read this scripture, this time something struck my spirit. I couldn’t help but notice the boldness of the demon in this story. We read in Mark Chapter 5 verses 7 and 10 that the demon begged Jesus not to cast him out of the country (or into the abyss, as documented by Luke).

7 And he cried out with a loud voice and said, "What have I to do with You, Jesus, So...

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How do I make You "my everything"?

Posted by Shards ofMe on Thursday, May 12, 2011, In : Encouragement 

Time and time again, the things of this world and the people in it have rejected me, deserted me and despised me.  I dare not blink lest I loose something I had only a whisper ago. Gone again. Like a wife who has just lost the love of her life, her everything; I can not love again. I dare not open my life to another who will relish in it for a while then walk away when the thrill is over. Never again will I allow someone to creep into that place of ‘my everything’.

I turn to God and cry, �...

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He who Endures

Posted by Shards ofMe on Thursday, May 12, 2011, In : The Daily Grind 
Matthew 24:13
But he who endures to the end shall be saved

Comforting, yet daunting words, spoken by our Lord Jesus Christ; one who knows all too well the endurance that is needed if we are to survive on, and beyond, this earth. My question is "what is endurance"?

Firstly I think of an endurance race...I think of the Ironman Triathlon. Triathlon was my sport many a year ago (back in 'young' days) so I know some of what it takes to go from one painful experience and straight into another. Why w...

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What we DO and DON'T want to know about our Salvation

Posted by Shards ofMe on Thursday, May 12, 2011, In : Bible Reflections 
How important is your Salvation to you?

Is it like a Christmas layby: No deposit, perhaps a few payments along the way and then just pick-up the eve before the big day? I think there are many people who see it just like that. They think that they can "choose" now, perhaps make some small payments along the way (like attending Church) and do nothing else until just before the big day (the coming of Christ). The sad thing for people like this is that, unlike a layby, their chosen eternity wil...

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The Cross in the Tabernacle

Posted by Shards ofMe on Thursday, May 12, 2011, In : Bible Reflections 

For those who have no idea what this diagram is about you would find benefit in reading my study on The Tabernacle in the Bible Study Page. For those who have a fair idea of the Tabernacle, I'd like to explain this diagram further so that we can see the amazing hand of God in every minor detail of the Cross of Christ.

Enter through The Door
The door of the Tabernacle was the only way in. This signifies Christ as the only way to God.

Accept The Scrifice
The very first thing that you came to when...

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Where will it leave you?

Posted by Shards ofMe on Thursday, May 12, 2011, In : The Daily Grind 

If the person that you look up to and confide in is taken up to be with Jesus at the time of the rapture where would that leave you?

Would you be standing alone? Or would you be enjoying the reward of your faith with them in Heaven? The fact is that when you and your Godly role-model are standing and watching as Jesus comes in the clouds, you will be the last thing on their mind. They will have their eyes fixed on Jesus and their concern will not be whether you are left or taken with them.


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Working out my Salvation

Posted by Shards ofMe on Thursday, May 12, 2011, In : The Daily Grind 
Philippians 2:12-13
12 Therefore, my out your own salvation with fear and trembling;
13 for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.

If there is any verse in the Bible that I can relate to, it's this one.  I have spent most of my life worrying about my salvation. I don't believe however that we are meant to 'worry' about it, the fact that I worry is probably a sign in itself that I should be worrying. Part of my inscurity has come from the fac...

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Who's Breaking Your Fall?

Posted by Shards ofMe on Thursday, May 12, 2011, In : The Daily Grind 
Do you ever get those moments in life when you feel like you've fallen off a 10 storey building and landed on the pavement below? Do you ever go through those moments and wonder where God is, and why He isn't helping? I get those moments every day and I often find myself discouraged in my walk with God.

I look back over my life and I see nothing, absolutly nothing, but the hand of God. I look back and see 30 years of absoloute torture, tourment, grief, pain, depression, and hopelessness; but ...

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Deuteronomy 8

Posted by Shards ofMe on Thursday, May 12, 2011, In : Bible Reflections 
I was reading through Deuteronomy recently and as I read this chapter I felt the Lord speak to me. Since I can remember I have cried to the Lord on my bed at night asking what is the purpose of the trials that I have to constantly endure. We all have trials and crisis in life which come and go but I have had this one tormentous burden that just won't ever ease up.  I have believed in my heart that God would use the experiences of my life for His purpose and that one day I would see the positi...
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Posted by Shards ofMe on Thursday, May 12, 2011, In : The Daily Grind 

What's the very first thing you think when you read this advert?

I dunno what your first thoughts were but the very second that my eyes caught sight of this ad I felt God's still voice saying...

"This is the worlds philosophy"

After recovering from the shock that God had so rapidly spoken into my heart over such a trivial thing, I began to ponder on what this meant. The only word I could think of was "compromise". Am I saying that enjoying some yoghurt which is "apparently" sourced from some q...

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God's eye is on You

Posted by Shards ofMe on Thursday, May 12, 2011, In : Encouragement 

GOD's eye is on YOU


I received this letter today from a beloved friend to encourage me in my struggle with life. The letter was composed by World Challenge. Inc. to their beloved supporters. How amazing is my God, that a letter written to a host of people was realy meant just for me, and for right now in this moment. Thankyou to my friend for being sensitive to God's small, still and all knowing voice. I love you heaps.



Dearly Beloved:


In one way or another, w...

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